Culture equality contributes to the definition of a society based on equality between men and women, on diversity, diversity and solidarity. The association is aimed at all women in order to defend their rights and ensure that all women are free, autonomous and united.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In 2021, the association is opening “La Maison des femmes / Kay Fanm” , a unique and friendly place to meet, welcome and host events!
“Militant keeps the concern of the collective.
Activism is not a solitary pleasure.
It is the principle of solidarity and shared responsibility ”
This a space of access to rights, a place of listening and speaking whose reception is assured by trained activists.
It is addressed to all women who encounter a difficulty whatever the field.
The aim of this axis is to make visible the heritage of women, their contribution to the social, political, economic and cultural development of our society.
Demonstrations, events, interventions… The objective of the awareness-raising work is to get women to change their representations and to engage in civic actions.
Our projects

8 Mars 2023 Happening
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