Culture Egalité intends to defend and promote gender equality and women's autonomy.
For several years, she has therefore decided to study and celebrate matrimonial heritage alongside heritage. To this end, it has set up a Matrimonial Axis.

The aim of this axis is to make visible the heritage of women, their contribution to the social, political, economic and cultural development of our society.
And thus to allow the women of today and tomorrow to know the history of their ancestors, to identify with them to continue to work and to carry their stone to a world of equality and justice.
But also to bring the men of today and those to come to better assess the role of women in the construction of our country and therefore to bring them to reassess their rightful place in our society ... so that it finally walks on two legs!
Our Original Creations
To make known the history of these women and transmit this heritage, the association has designed, in partnership with artists, original creations.
These productions are available to municipalities, schools, works councils, etc. Do not hesitate to contact us for our prices and conditions.
Theatrical reading: "1870, Council of War"
En septembre, la Communauté internationale célèbre le patrimoine (l’héritage matériel et culturel qui nous vient de nos pères) et ici, nous commémorons l’Insurrection du Sud, l’une des plus grandes révoltes qu’ait connue la Martinique (à côté de celles de mai 1848).
Fidèle à notre vocation de chercher les traces des femmes dans notre histoire et d’étudier leur participation à la construction de notre société, nous avons décidé de nous saisir de ces opportunités pour restituer à notre jeunesse, en même temps que l’Insurrection du Sud, le rôle qu’y jouèrent les femmes et, tout particulièrement, la plus emblématique d’entre elles :
Lumina Sophie dite Surprise.

1870, Conseil de Guerre is a play for 10 actors. The popular revolt of the uprising in the South constitutes a key moment in the history of Martinique, it was
severely repressed. The trial of the insurgents took place like a real council of war.
We invited the director Hervé Deluge to mount a historical fresco around the uprising trial, which was co-written with Ms. Huguette Bellemare.

For more info
Lecture Théatralisée : "1870, Conseil de Guerre"
Theatrical walk: "In the Roptus family, I call ..."
Around the life of Lumina Sophie
Level 1 walk and theatrical intervention by three actresses
We offer you, in a natural setting, on a course of three kilometers, the time of a stroll on the lands of the La Broue dwelling, to attend the theatrical performance of three actresses who have come to embody three generations: Reine-Sophie : Lumina's grandmother, slave; Zulma: the mother of Lumina, slave who experienced the Abolition and Lumina, born free and central figure of the Southern uprising in 1870.

For more info
Screening / Conference: "Rebelles et Marronnes"
We have chosen, by making the historical fresco “Rebelles et Marronnes”, to put in particular honor some rebels and marronnes of the Caribbean and the Americas who took a major part in the struggles for freedom carried out since the beginning of the conquest European, until Abolition.
Initially presented as a conference, we created a
“Rebelles et Marronnes” documentary video. This dynamic and illustrated video allows us to make known the history of these women to as many people as possible. We organize screenings animated by a member of the association, in order to popularize and discuss with the public around these historical figures.

For more info
Our Editions, Karbé Fanm
Illustrated booklet on the life of Suzanne Roussi Césaire feminist and committed.
N ° 2 LUMINA SOPHIE known as Surprise, the flame of revolt
Booklet written by Huguette Bellemare and illustrated by Bruno Dulthéo, on the life of Lumina Sophie.