Culture Égalité is a single-sex feminist association from Martinique founded in 2013.
To create a more just society, we must act in the direction of women in order to strengthen their empowerment, that is to say their ability to change the relationships of social, political, economic power, but also power over oneself, on his life.

Who are we ?
“Militant keeps the concern of the collective.
Activism is not a solitary pleasure.
It is the principle of solidarity and shared responsibility ”
According to its statutes, Culture Egalité is a non-mixed feminist association which aims to:
Contribute to the definition of a society built on equality between men and women , on diversity, diversity, Caribbean and international solidarity.
Promote better dialogue between citizens through an intercultural approach based on mutual respect and equality.
Participate in the implementation of a parity society where women and men together build an egalitarian, united and democratic social and political project.
Defend women's rights and ensure their application to fight against all forms of discrimination against women.
Members must engage in principles of fight against sexism, homophobia, racism, religious intolerance, against all forms of domination and exploitation.

Our fields of action
All the actions carried out by the association bear the following values: the fight:
- against sexism and violence against women
- against all the oppressions and systems of exploitation of which women are victims (prostitution, etc.)
- for the visibility of women in our Caribbean colonial history
- against social inequalities
- for eco-feminism
- for equality between nationalities and peoples.
the team
The organization of the association is based on horizontal governance, made up of a COMEX (Executive Committee), which determines annual priorities and carries out projects with the support of salaried teams and volunteers.

Honorary members

Daniel Malgloire
Haitian feminist sociologist
Long-time feminist who helped found various women's organizations and women's groups.
Founder of Kay Fanm (Maison des femmes), member of the CONAP platform (National Coordination of Advocacy for Women's Rights) and National Consultation against Violence Against Women (National Consultation).
She also works with various civic organizations in different environments.

Gaby January
Feminist activist
She was a founding member of SOS Racisme Marseille and held responsibilities in several feminist associations:
Schebba, association of neighborhood women; Collective 13 - Women's Rights; the MMF
associative framework at the Léo Lagrange Federation