Violences A l'encontre des femmes
L'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques a démarré en 2018 une enquête intitulée Virage (violences et rapports de genre), pour fournir un diagnostic statistique sur le phénomène des violences faites aux femmes dans les départements d'Outre-mer. En mars 2019, l'INED a publié les premiers résultats pour La Réunion. Les résultats pour la Guadeloupe ne sont pas encore connus, tandis que ceux de la Martinique ont été publiés vendredi 22 novembre 2019. Voici la synthèse des premiers résultats.
Harcèlement dans les lieux publics
Violences sur le lieu de travail
Violences dans le couple
Kay fanm
Kay Fanm is a space of reception and listening open to all women and not only victims of violence within the couple, a place of reconstruction towards psychological, social and economic autonomy, in order to be full citizens. .

Kay fanm
Culture Egalité is an association aimed at all women who encounter a difficulty whatever the field. To know them and listen to them in order to adapt an accompaniment, the KAY FANM space was opened in October 2017 by the association. It is a space of access to rights, a place of listening and speaking, which is welcomed by trained activists.
Culture Egalité is part of the network of associations that receive women victims of domestic violence, as well as at work and public space. Thus, according to the assessment of their needs, the women can be directed towards interlocutors for a relay if necessary. It seems essential today in Martinique, well known for its large number of single-parent families, where the only parent is a woman, to set up this place of reconstruction outside of the social support of victims, a place dedicated to women. and with women.
This place of reconstruction involves the setting up of artistic workshops, training, discussion groups and the development of a "Health Axis" for disabled women ... But also on a larger scale by raising awareness of equality and the fight against all forms of discrimination.

The Finding
On the Martinican territory, there is no identified place for women apart from the traditional circuit of social reception structures with their constraints of opening hours and their institutional framework, which in parallel offers a childcare solution. children. We do not want to replace the existing but we want to offer an innovative concept: create a space open to all women and not only victims of violence within the couple, a place of reconstruction towards psychological autonomy, social and economic, in order to be full citizens.
On the Martinican territory, there is no identified place for women apart from the traditional circuit of social reception structures with their constraints of opening hours and their institutional framework, which in parallel offers a childcare solution. children. We do not want to replace the existing but we want to offer an innovative concept: create a space open to all women and not only victims of violence within the couple, a place of reconstruction towards psychological autonomy, social and economic, in order to be full citizens.
Individual reception, listening and guidance
Kay Fanm has a hotline open to all women in distress or simply in need of help or guidance.
By phone and by appointment, the activists discuss specific issues with the women. Depending on the needs stated and the problems encountered, the activists invite the women to meet with a psychologist or a lawyer. Indeed, a psychologist and two lawyers specializing in human rights have supported Kay Fanm since its creation and provide voluntary follow-up for the women received. Finally, the women received, depending on the situation encountered, can be redirected to our various social and legal partners, etc. or to our support program.

In conjunction with our social partners and with a team of welcoming activists, we have set up a cycle of collective workshops to help women strengthen their capacity to act on themselves "empowerment" and their self-confidence, as well as to exploit their creative capacities.
We work with committed speakers and artists who organize specific courses for groups of women.
Open and citizen support groups "Katré Pawol"
led by activists of the association.
Writing workshops
with Nicole Cage, writer and director
Theater / body expression workshops
with Rita Ravier, actress, dancer and choreographer
Self-defense workshops
with the Madinina Savate Defense association
Plastic art workshop
with Abishag, visual artist and cultural mediator
Workshop "How to succeed in your job interview"
with Géraldine de Thoré, activist and trainer
Kay Fanm Workshops

Health axis
In Martinique, social insecurity is important and on the increase, there is a lack of access to healthcare for many women in precarious situations and migrant women.
In partnership with the Mouvement du Nid / Martinique association, we are creating a network of health professionals (general practitioners, gynecologists, midwives, dermatologists; but also institutions such as public hospitals, CéGIDs, etc.) .
The objective is to set up a health course for women, ensure medical monitoring and educate in sexual health:
- establishment of a health course for women in need
- Coverage of care
- Establishment of a document admissible by caregivers and examination centers (laboratories, radiology, etc.) to trace the course of treatment and return the invoices to the association concerned if necessary.
In 2021 we put together a team of 2 nurses and 3 doctors, with whom we organized
7 meetings and workshops. 35 women and 1 child were followed.