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Culture Égalité is a feminist association from Martinique,  founded on July 19, 2013, whose objective is to:

# Contribute to the construction of a democratic Martinican society, based on equality between women and men, social diversity, diversity and solidarity.

# Promote and defend effective respect for the specific human rights of women and girls, and fight against all forms of oppression and exploitation against them.

# Fight against all forms of violencein all areas by promoting collective and individual awareness. 


Culture Egalité is a non-mixed association, founded on our conviction that to create a more just society, we must act in the direction of women in order to strengthen their #empowerment, that is to say their ability to change relationships. of social, political, economic powers, but also power over oneself, over one's life.

The association is therefore aimed at all women to encourage them to defend their rights and to be free, autonomous and united.

Press kit

Le mois du Matrimoine

Le mois du Matrimoine

En septembre, la Communauté internationale célèbre le patrimoine - l’héritage matériel et culturel qui nous vient de nos pères.
Depuis notre création, à Culture Egalité nous célébrons, à cette même date, le Mois du Matrimoine.

Press Releases

Les femmes et le peuple d'Afghanistan

lundi 30 août 2021

Fort de France

Ce mercredi 1er septembre 2021, la Marche Mondiale des Femmes (World March of Women) lance un appel à la mobilisation internationale en solidarité avec les femmes afghanes et le peuple d’Afghanistan.

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